200 Jobs for Others found
Company Nurse for Manufacturing company ID:46606
20,000 PHP ~ 25,000 PHPBatangasJob Description
-Administer first aid treatments and provide medications for all employees.-Assist all injured employees and bring them to the nearest hospital if needed.-Maintain all employees medical records.-Secure and ensure that the sick employees submit a "fit to work" certificate upon returning to work.-Interpret and evaluate diagnostic test based on the verification of medical certificates.-Schedule and assist annual medical examinations of all employees.-Conduct inventory of medicines and other supplies every month.-Conduct health seminar to all employees.
-Government Mandated benefits
-13months pay
-Meal allowance
-Transpo allowance
-Position Allowance
-Free HMO with 2 dependents (Free)
-Free Life Insurance
-Alternate Saturday Leave/mo.
-Birthday Leave
-Anniversary Leave
-Work Life Balance
-Performance Bonus (Depend of the Sales Result)
-Christmas Package
Other details will discuss during interview or offerBusiness Planning ManagerID:46866
40,000 PHP ~ 65,000 PHPLagunaJob Description
Oversee the entire supply chain purchasing and distribution process in close collaboration with product suppliers and clients to build strong and long-lasting relationships. Analyze production and quality control reports to find patterns and areas for improvements based on data over time and utilizes these reports to improve processes and performance.
170,000 PHP ~ 240,000 PHPCavite OthersJob Description
・住宅手当 ※金額要相談
・Sick Leave(病気休暇)6日、Vacation Leave(有給休暇)6日
・交通費支給 ※要相談【高給与】プラスチック成型の金型技術者(部長候補)ID:46691
130,000 PHP ~ 200,000 PHPLagunaJob Description
80,000 PHP ~ 150,000 PHPCaviteJob Description
150,000 PHP ~ 200,000 PHPCaviteJob Description
100,000 PHP ~ 120,000 PHPLuzon (Others)Job Description
製造、購買、倉庫を含む輸出入業全般の現場管理業務に従事していただきます。<業務内容>・製造部門の管理全般 -品質・原価・納期を管理し、出荷/納品迄の製造部門全般のコントロール・ローカルスタッフのマネジメント・購買部門と倉庫管理を含む輸出入業務の管理・継続的な生産効率と品質改善に向けた取組み -生産計画と実績を照らし合わせ、改善点を見つけて社内へ啓蒙、普及 -品質問題があった場合は、問題を特定し、再発防止策を徹底 ・年度予算計画と実績管理・生産計画と出荷管理・クライアントとの納期調整 ・月報作成・予実管理 など※能力と実績次第で、日本採用~出向待遇への転換の可能性有り※現地スタッフの部下を指揮・指導し、部門全体のレベルアップと組織作り、次期管理者育成などにも取り組んで頂きます。<この求人の魅力>・英語力を活かせる・駐在切り替えあり・自然が豊かなエリアでの勤務
・退職金積立保険(Insular Life)
・Vacation leave 5日
・誕生月商品券支給 P500
・米手当 P800/月
・食事手当 P30/日
140,000 PHP ~ 205,000 PHPLagunaJob Description
他、詳細は面接にて説明Senior Backend Engineer (C#.NET) <CEBU>ID:46780
80,000 PHP ~ 150,000 PHPCebuJob Description
・We're seeking members to launch the development of company Data Hub in our Cebu Office. company Data Hub is the data integration function for the sales DX (digital transformation) solution. The platform dominates with an 82% market share in Japan.・Our company Hub’s functionality enables to be integrated with customer management tools and marketing automation, so that companies can centrally consolidate the data scattered throughout them.・Our company ultimate aim is to be customer data infrastructure for any type of company. We strive to establish a worldview in which our functions are indispensable for effective use of customer data.・In this position, you’ll be handling all phases of development projects, from software design to implementation, testing, and release. Depending on your experience and intent, you’ll aim to eventually be responsible for leading and managing the Data Hub team at our Cebu development center.
-Vacation leave: 10 days
-Sick leave: 12 days
-HMO from day 1 of employment(the employee and 2 dependents)
-Allowances (Transportation, internet, medical cash)
-Team building event
-Free breakfast twice a month
-Opportunity to travel to the HQ in JapanRegistered Electrical Engineer(CEBU)ID:46576
20,000 PHP ~ 25,000 PHPCebuJob Description
- Maintenance of equipment- Proposing updates for equipment- Planning preventive maintenance- Preparing documents for submission to government agencies- Coordinating with vendors for repairs of internal equipment- Handling procedural tasks related to PEZA.- Other task that maybe assigned from time to time by manager
- Philhealth
- Pag-Ibig
- 13th Month Bonus
- Performance Bonus (Depends on company performance)
- SL / VL Base on company policy
- HMO (upon regularization)
- License allowance
- Transpo allowance
- Meal allowance