22 Jobs for Administration found
80,000 PHP ~ 130,000 PHPCaviteJob Description
<会社概要>当社は創業70年以上の日系商社です。 当地での取扱商品は化学薬品、電気電子材料、合成樹脂などの化成品将来的に食品・医療医薬原料・化粧品分野にも参入予定。アジア6か国に拠点を持ち、国内外のネットワークを通じ、お得意先に最適な商品およびサービスを提供しています。今回フィリピンの子会社において、営業を拡大し今後更に飛躍していく為に、営業担当、将来の拠点長候補を募集致します。※入社後は基本的に日本人マネージャーに付いて業務を覚えていただきます。着いていただく期間はその方の経験等によります。 <具体的な業務内容>1ローカルお客様窓口対応マネジメントサポート・お客様窓口対応戦略の立案および実行・既存顧客の管理・関係強化(定期訪問やフォローアップ)・新規顧客の開拓および市場調査・ローカルお客様窓口対応チームのマネジメント・教育2契約交渉や価格調整のサポート・その他ローカルマネジメント業務の補助・本社との連携業務サポート・現地お客様の要望を日本側と協議し、解決策の提案・日本本社からの指示のローカルチームへの展開・輸出入プロセスに関する調整・サポート3在庫管理、輸入に関する法令調査・確認管理・安全在庫管理、FIFO管理、棚卸しの実施・PICCS登録成分の確認および適正管理・DENR(環境天然資源省)への問い合わせ・調整・輸出入関連の法令調査およびコンプライアンス対応・物流やサプライチェーンの最適化の交渉4ローカルお客様窓口対応マネジメントサポート・お客様窓口対応戦略の立案・既存顧客の管理・ローカルお客様窓口対応のマネジメントサポート・その他ローカルスタッフマネジメントサポート5本社との連携業務サポート・現地お客様の要望等を日本側と協議・その他、業務関連の報告業務6在庫管理、輸入に関する法令調査・確認管理・安全在庫管理、FIFO管理、棚卸し・PICCS登録成分確認、DENR問い合わせ等<仕事の魅力>仕事の魅力・国際的な環境の中で働きながら、英語力や異文化理解を深めることができます。・フィリピンのローカルスタッフと協力し、業務の円滑な進行をサポートすることで、海外でのマネジメントスキルも身につきます・本社との連携を通じて日本とフィリピンの架け橋となる重要な役割を担い、グローバルに活躍できるチャンスがあります。・商社での経験や海外での営業経験を積むことで、国際ビジネスの知識や交渉スキルを磨くことができます。多様な取引先と関わりながら、ビジネススキルを向上させ、キャリアを積み上げる絶好の機会になるでしょう!・幅広い種類の製品を扱うため、仕事を通じて製品知識や業界知識も身につきます。国際的な環境の中で働きながら、英語力や異文化理解を深めることができます!・仕事の実績、頑張り次第でゆくゆくは拠点長、駐在員登用になる可能性もございます!!!
・通勤、退勤時 社用車(ハイエースシャトル)配車
・有給休暇及び病気に伴う休暇 Sick Leave 7日 Vacation Leave A 7日(試用期間後)
・ボーナス年1回(業績、個人成績による)Executive Secretary of the President(N2 above)ID:46992
70,000 PHP ~ 90,000 PHPMakatiJob Description
- Assist the Project Manager - Coordination and support for new projects- Coordination and support for the company's guests- Handle Philippine inbound business, including but not limited to Customer support- Prepare necessary documents related to the project including but not limited to summary reports- Coordinate with clients, managers, team superiors - Team's KPI management- Schedule management
- Philippines Mandated benefits (SSS/Pag-ibig/Phil Health)
- 13th-month pay
up on Regularization
- Leaves
Other details will be discussed during interviewExecutive SecretaryID:47094
40,000 PHP ~ 50,000 PHPCaviteJob Description
-Schedule Management-Schedule Coordination: Manage the CEO’s calendar, adjusting meetings, appointments, and scheduling as needed. Respond quickly to changes and ensure smooth operation.Prioritization: When multiple meetings or events overlap, prioritize the most critical ones and allocate time accordingly, focusing on high-priority business or visits.Meeting and Event Coordination-Meeting Arrangements: Organize meetings and events involving the CEO, from booking venues to notifying participants and preparing necessary materials, ensuring meetings run smoothly.Minutes Preparation: Record the content of meetings and create minutes to distribute to stakeholders afterward.Document Creation and Organization-Document Management: Organize and manage important documents, contracts, and reports, ensuring that necessary information can be quickly retrieved to meet the CEO’s needs.Report Creation: Assist in preparing reports and official letters for external stakeholders.Phone and Email Management-Phone Handling: Answer calls on behalf of the CEO and handle inquiries and communications effectively, responding to outside queries appropriately.Email Management: Review emails addressed to the CEO, identify key messages, and, when necessary, respond on their behalf.Internal and External Coordination-External Communication: Maintain communication with business partners, clients, and other stakeholders. When needed, ensure that the CEO is promptly contacted. Also, arrange important meetings and business trips.Internal Coordination: Work with different departments and employees internally to collect and coordinate the information the CEO requires.Personal Support-Personal Assistance: Manage the CEO’s personal schedule and needs (e.g., family events) if required.Travel Arrangements: Handle bookings for transportation and accommodations for both business and personal travel.Presentation Material Preparation-Material Creation: Prepare materials for CEO presentations and meetings, organizing relevant information to facilitate discussions and presentations.Presentation Support: Assist with research and document creation as part of the preparation for key meetings and presentations.Visitor Management-Guest Coordination: Manage the reception of visitors and business partners the CEO needs to meet, including arranging meetings and overseeing guest interactions.Record Management-Contract and Transaction Record Management: Keep contracts and transactional documents organized, ensuring the CEO has swift access to these materials when required.File Organization: Sort important documents and maintain organized records to prevent loss or mishandling.General Business Support-Task Organization: Organize tasks delegated by the CEO into efficient lists, facilitating better management of tasks and work progress.Information Provision: Supply necessary data or information in advance to support the CEO in decision-making and ensure proper preparation.Business Trip Preparation and SupportTravel and Accommodation Booking: Arrange travel logistics such as flights, transportation, and hotel reservations for business trips.Smooth Travel Assistance: Provide necessary assistance and information to ensure a seamless business trip, from departure to return.
Hiring for Japanese Support and Admin staff !ID:46208
50,000 PHP ~ 85,000 PHPTaguigJob Description
【Recruitment Background】Our school, which has supported numerous students in the Philippines since before the war, has started recruiting individuals who can handle back-office tasks! Despite significant impacts from regulations, we currently have nearly hundreds of students, indicating a continued need for support. The back-office team currently consists of 2 Japanese and 2 local staff members, who work efficiently to support a large number of students. We welcome applications from those who wish to build their careers in the Philippines or have a strong desire to challenge themselves overseas!【Job Description】●Attendance management●Data entry●Filing●Inventory management●Sending and sorting of documents●Payroll calculations●Cash management●Handling of guardians●Other general affairs duties
●Transportation allowance: 3,500 PHP/month
●13 Months pay
●SL/VL (after probation period)
80,000 PHP ~ 90,000 PHPTaguigJob Description
・交通費 3,500PHP/月
・民間医療保険(HMO)Administrative & Accounting StaffID:47178
17,000 PHP ~ 17,000 PHPMakatiJob Description
We are a dynamic BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) company specializing in creating high-quality drawings and housing perspectives for residential properties in collaboration with a well-established Japanese company. We are looking for a motivated Admin Staff to join our growing team and play a key role in supporting our operations.-Support accounting matters such as check requests, filing of accounting documents, and processing payments-Handle other administrative duties as assigned
・Governments mandatory benefits
・13months pay
(Upon regularization)
・Perfect attendance incentives
・Leaves (Vacation & Sickness)Administrative SpecialistID:47057
20,000 PHP ~ 24,000 PHPTaguigJob Description
Organize and keep contracts, insurance policies, reports, and other related documents.-Check documents for accuracy and keep them updated as needed.-Check and manage of collection sales fee if the client was late paymentManage office supplies and purchases to ensure smooth daily operations.-Handle emails, phone calls, and assist visitors with their needs.Support employees with requests like preparing materials or arranging meetings.-Assist Japanese expatriates with visa processing and other living arrangements.Help with expense liquidation and budget management by coordinating with the accounting department.-Process payments and prepare/send invoices as needed.Monitor employee attendance and assist with benefit-related procedures.-Prepare documents and handle onboarding for new employees.Arrange schedules and preparations for internal and external meetings, training sessions, and events.-Book venues, manage participant lists, and distribute necessary materials.Communicate with the Japan headquarters using Japanese when needed.-Translate reports and assist with coordination between the Philippines and Japan.Assist with legal compliance tasks based on Philippine insurance and labor laws.-Prepare and submit required forms and documents as needed.
HMO(after 6 months)
Transportation:1,825 PHP/month
Food and medical:1,675 PHP/month
Bonus: 2 times a year (Max June 0.5 month + @, December 0.5 month) for employees that have worked for over 6 months
SL/VL: 15 days each total of 30 days(for employees past probation period)
pay raise after regularization: more than 9 months worker is applicableCOMPANY NURSEID:46504
18,000 PHP ~ 25,000 PHPBatangasJob Description
‐ Provide basic Health care services to employees.- Assess employee health risk- Develop and implement a health and safety program- Records and monitors all employee's medical records- Inventory control of medications- Other task that maybe assigned from time to time by manager
- Philhealth
- Pag-Ibig
- 13th Month Pay
- HMO (Upon regularization)【日系物流会社】一般貨物事業アシスタントマネージャー‼‼☆日系企業で経験を活かしキャリアップ!ID:47159
100,000 PHP ~ 120,000 PHPParanaqueJob Description
・住宅手当or住居提供は要相談(ご経験によります)COMPANY NURSE/AdminID:47157
18,000 PHP ~ 28,000 PHPBatangasJob Description
‐ Provide basic Health care services to employees.- Assess employee health risk- Develop and implement a health and safety program- Records and monitors all employee's medical records- Inventory control of medications- Other task that maybe assigned from time to time by manager- Help Admin and help making document for SSS Philhealth etc- Verify and document sick leaves, medical certificates, and health-related absences.- Conduct health evaluations for employees returning from medical leave to ensure fitness to work.- Prepare and submit attendance reports to HR or management, highlighting trends or irregularities.- Help preparing company event
- Philhealth
- Pag-Ibig
- 13th Month Pay
- 5VL/5SL