11 Jobs for Top Management found
Executive Officer/ General Manager (Finance & Lending Industry)ID:47062
100,000 PHP ~ 180,000 PHPMandaluyongJob Description
Job Summary: Oversee all lending operations, including secured loans and credit-related products (CR), drive strategic growth, manage credit risk, and ensure regulatory compliance. This role provides critical leadership in deepening customer relationships while guiding the organization towards profitability and financial stability.<Responsibilities> -Business Strategy Development: Formulate and improve business strategies aligned with organizational goals. -Strategic Planning and Execution: Develop and implement plans to effectively execute business strategies. -Performance Management: Monitor and manage performance indicators to achieve goals. -Lead Secured Loans Operations: Oversee sales, collections, and credit management, including: -Product Development and Market Strategy: Develop new lending products based on the characteristics of secured loans and execute market entry strategies. -Sales Strategy and Customer Base Expansion: Formulate sales strategies to acquire customers and expand market share, focusing on secured loans for motorcycles and cars. -Optimize Collection Processes: Design appropriate debt collection strategies and implement effective collection processes to minimize default risk. -Enhance Credit Management: Optimize credit review and collateral evaluation processes based on credit policies and risk management strategies to maintain a healthy lending portfolio. -Operational Efficiency: Review and establish efficient and smooth operations from lending to collection.<Risk Management and Compliance> -Build Risk Management Framework: Oversee compliance with local regulatory requirements and industry standards. -Develop and Implement Risk Management Policies: Formulate and implement policies to avoid credit, operational, and regulatory risks. -Ensure Compliance with SEC and Other Regulatory Bodies: Guarantee operations comply with regulatory frameworks of SEC and other relevant agencies.
・Mandated benefits(SSS/Pag-ibig/Philhealth)
・13th Month Pay
・Transportation allowanceStore Manager (Start up Japanese Restaurant)ID:47086
35,000 PHP ~ 60,000 PHPMakatiJob Description
-Recruitment and Training: Oversee the recruitment, training, and onboarding of food andbeverage staff (including servers, hosts, and kitchen staff). Provide support to ensure thatstaff can smoothly adapt to their roles and responsibilities.-Scheduling and Supervision: Create and manage staff schedules based on the needs of therestaurant. Supervise staff during both peak and off-peak hours to ensure effectiveoperations and smooth restaurant performance.- Performance Management:Conduct performance evaluations for staff, provide coachingwhen needed, and set specific goals to help each team member grow professionally.- Coordination with Kitchen:Ensure strong communication between the kitchen and serviceteams to ensure that food is delivered at the right time and to the highest quality standards.- Daily Operations Management:Manage and supervise daily restaurant operations,including opening and closing procedures, dining area setup, and guest management.-Inventory Management and Ordering:Oversee inventory control, manage food andbeverage supplies, and ensure timely ordering. Negotiate prices with suppliers and maintainsmooth supplier relationships.- Revenue Growth:Develop promotional activities, events, and special menu items toincrease revenue. Track the effectiveness of these strategies and make necessaryadjustments.- Quality Control:Ensure that food and beverages meet the restaurant’s quality standards interms of taste, presentation, and consistency.
-Bachelor's degree
-At least 3 years experience in the supervisor or manager position from Japanese
-Experience in staff management, training, and operational oversight
-Excellent communication and leadership skills
-Knowledge or experience in providing Japanese cuisine is a plus
-Japanese language skills are a plusJapan Business Development & Account Management Team General ManagerID:47180
200,000 PHP ~ 250,000 PHPMakatiJob Description
This is an exciting opportunity to lead business development in Japan, discover new business opportunities, and create strategies to drive growth. In this role, you will set the direction of your department to align with company goals, while building strong relationships with key stakeholders to achieve annual targets. Particularly, you will be responsible for strengthening partnerships with Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) and tourism-related sectors to promote our company's growth.【Key Responsibilities】***Business Development & Strategy Planning***・Develop annual business development plans, aligning them with regional and company strategies・Achieve new client acquisition goals・Discover new business opportunities, negotiate contracts, and increase revenue sources・Collaborate with strategic partners to expand market reach・Analyze bids and prepare business cases・Understand market share and potential, and formulate market approaches【Client & Stakeholder Relationship Management】・Strengthen connections with MOFA and diplomatic missions・Act as Client Relationship Manager and communicate directly with diplomatic missions・Take responsibility for setting up new business and supporting project implementation・Prepare and submit monthly, quarterly, and annual reports【Market Trends & Bid Management】・Gain in-depth understanding of service delivery capabilities and tailor proposals to meet client needs・Lead the creation of bid documents in collaboration with relevant departments・Continuously identify new opportunities and competitive information, and proactively make proposals
・Health Management Plan (HMO)
・Full Attendance Incentives
・Paid Leave (Sick Leave & Vacation Leave)【グローバルビザサポート企業】グローバル事業開発ジェネラルマネージャー募集<観光業経験者必見!活躍の舞台がここに>ID:47179
200,000 PHP ~ 250,000 PHPMakatiJob Description
100,000 PHP ~ 150,000 PHPQuezon cityJob Description
95,000 PHP ~ 110,000 PHPLagunaJob Description
130,000 PHP ~ 200,000 PHPLagunaJob Description
詳細は面接にて説明駐在員案件!! 【リサイクル事業】将来のフィリピン拠点マネージャー候補(エコに関心のある方必見)ID:46951
90,000 PHP ~ 120,000 PHPLuzon (Others)Job Description
【お仕事内容】■日本勤務時・衣類選別作業・梱包作業・国内、海外への出入庫作業■フィリピン赴任時 メインはマネジメント業務となります。・ローカル作業員マネジメント・工場内の安全管理・日本本社との会議出席・予算とターゲット管理・顧客トラブル対応・目標達成のための戦略立案と実行・人員計画【募集背景】弊社は1934年に市中の古布・古繊維を回収する故繊維問屋として横浜に創業し、フィリピン拠点は1990年にスタート。スービック工場では主に軍手の製造等をしております。スタッフ人数は現在約200人規模まで伸び、今後も拡大予定です。今回募集のポジションは次世代育成のため、まずは日本で工場内作業を覚えて頂き、半年~1年後を目標にフィリピン・スービック工場にてマネージャーを務めて頂ける方を募集しております。【この仕事の魅力・やりがい】近年環境問題に非常に力を入れているフィリピン。今回のお仕事はその重要な動きの一部を担っています。スービックは元米軍基地があり経済地区、リゾート地として開発が進んでいる港湾都市で、人口あたりの警察官の数が多いこと、銃の所持が禁止されている事などから治安が良いとして人気の都市です。山や海など大自然に囲まれた環境で一緒にフィリピンのエコに関われるとても重要なお仕事です。
・フィリピン現地法人の就業規則に則る。【日系メディア企業】SEOやライティングを含むメディアディレクター (新規進出企業で活躍しませんか?)ID:46945
100,000 PHP ~ 130,000 PHPMakatiJob Description
<業務内容>・Webディレクション: プロジェクトの全体的な進行管理を行い、クライアントの要望に応じたWebサイトの制作を指導・SEOディレクション: 検索エンジン最適化の戦略を立案・実施し、サイトの検索順位向上を図る・ライティング業務: ターゲットに合わせたコンテンツの企画・作成を行い、魅力的で効果的な文章を提供・WordPress入稿業務: WordPressを使用したコンテンツの入稿・管理・メディア運営: オンラインメディアの運営・管理を行う
100,000 PHP ~ 120,000 PHPLuzon (Others)Job Description
製造、購買、倉庫を含む輸出入業全般の現場管理業務に従事していただきます。<業務内容>・製造部門の管理全般 -品質・原価・納期を管理し、出荷/納品迄の製造部門全般のコントロール・ローカルスタッフのマネジメント・購買部門と倉庫管理を含む輸出入業務の管理・継続的な生産効率と品質改善に向けた取組み -生産計画と実績を照らし合わせ、改善点を見つけて社内へ啓蒙、普及 -品質問題があった場合は、問題を特定し、再発防止策を徹底 ・年度予算計画と実績管理・生産計画と出荷管理・クライアントとの納期調整 ・月報作成・予実管理 など※能力と実績次第で、日本採用~出向待遇への転換の可能性有り※現地スタッフの部下を指揮・指導し、部門全体のレベルアップと組織作り、次期管理者育成などにも取り組んで頂きます。<この求人の魅力>・英語力を活かせる・駐在切り替えあり・自然が豊かなエリアでの勤務
・退職金積立保険(Insular Life)
・Vacation leave 5日
・誕生月商品券支給 P500
・米手当 P800/月
・食事手当 P30/日