81 Jobs for Makati found
130,000 PHP ~ 150,000 PHPMakatiJob Description
★CADマネージャー候補を募集いたします。★質の高い業務を行うためにチームをマネジメントし、フィリピン人スタッフに日本の技術を伝授して頂くことがミッションです。【具体的内容】■新規プロジェクトの導入~プロジェクトの運用 ■木造住宅図面・積算作成業務のマネジメント■顧客(日本の住宅メーカー)への提案、サポート■現地スタッフへの技術指導、品質管理■図面チェック(住宅設計経験者であれば簡単です。)■見積書の作成■プロジェクトの改善と発展
100,000 PHP ~ 130,000 PHPMakatiJob Description
業績拡大に伴うReeracoen Philippinesでの自社採用求人です。営業としては、フィリピンに拠点を置く企業に対して、人材採用の観点から事業課題・経営課題の解決を行うことがミッションです。課題のヒヤリングから適切な人材の提案、面接支援、入社手配まで総合的なサポートを行っていただきます。フィリピンは英語の国であるため、フィリピンで働くことで、実践的なビジネス英語を身につけることができます。【担当業務】- 新規顧客の開拓(主に日系企業)- 既存顧客のフォローアップ(主に日系企業)- 求人のヒアリング・求人票の作成・条件のすり合わせ・社内共有- 企業様への選考プロセスのサポート(ご推薦、選考管理、入社フォローなど)- その他、採用支援に関わる事務作業全般
・ビザ・就業規則取得サポートBusiness Assistant.ID:46632
44,000 PHP ~ 47,000 PHPMakatiJob Description
The new staff will be assigned to our Consumer Products and Materials Department, which provides an extensive marketing strategy for the successful development of import and export business of ferrous/non-ferrous and mineral materials, supplies substantial quantity of quality U.S. wheat to flour millers in the country covering a major share of the local market, imports forest products such as paper and pulp for production of paper and carton boxes. and is dedicated to supply a wide range of chemicals from only the finest manufacturers from different parts of the world with the highest standards in product quality.
80,000 PHP ~ 120,000 PHPMakatiJob Description
70年以上の歴史と実績を積み重ね、幅広い営業基盤と日本国内、海外を合わせて64拠点のネットワーク、営業・技術・開発・品質部門と加工工場を有するエレクトロニクスサービス企業へと成長し、世界各国のエレクトロニクスメーカーに電子材料をはじめ様々な部材・モジュール品をお届けしております。今回、フィリピン拠点では事業拡大のために営業人員を募集しております!「入社半年後にチームリーダー昇格」など、成果を出した方には実績に応じた評価がきちんとされる会社です。<具体的な業務内容>●営業・マーケティング業務●新規開拓と既存顧客の関係づくり●電気電子部品/半導体関連会社との折衝業務●レポート業務 (社内・社外)●ローカルスタッフのマネジメント●その他不随業務主に海外から輸入する製品をフィリピン国内のお客様(PEZA製造業)に販売します。一般的な営業業務(納期フォロー、見積、各種資料作成等)に加え、お客様の御困りごとに対する提案、製品提案、また新規顧客開拓など、適正を見て業務をしていただく形になります。システムの使い方や輸入知識等は入社後のオリエンテーションや実務をしながら覚えて頂きます。※現在はコミッション制、KPI目標はありません。期初に立てた売上予算が目標ベースとなります。後は新規開拓、新規受注等の金額、件数により実績評価に反映させます。(コミッション制度導入可能性はあり)※入社後はしばらくはOJTベースで先輩社員が訪問の同行などに行ってくださいます。
■有給(SL/VL 10日ずつ。一年ごとに1日増えます(最大15日迄)、3月末に有給買取もあり)
面談時に追加の内容を説明Senior Software Engineer (Back end JAVA) ID:45852
70,000 PHP ~ 120,000 PHPMakatiJob Description
Our company welcomes programmers and engineers to join us in continuing the company's global mission to expand its horizon globally. Our company is looking for people who are interested in implementing a web system from Business to Consumer. We are in need of people who have the spirit to boldly challenge new system technologies.-support System development instruction from Japan (Architect system) -support end to end-Back end of system (JAVA)
-Government benefits
-Candidate Possibly do training japan
-transportation allowance Meal allowance
-Anniversary benefits
More details will discuss during interview or offerSenior 3D Artist(Makati)ID:46085
33,000 PHP ~ 38,000 PHPMakatiJob Description
Mainly their products are Japanese Animations- Modeling: Creating 3D objects or characters and designing their shapes and structures.- Texturing: Applying textures to models to add surface textures and details.- Animation: Moving characters or objects to create actions and movements.- Lighting: Setting up scene lighting and adjusting lighting effects for a realistic appearance.- Rendering: Generating the final visuals and outputting 3D models or animations as still images or videos.- Enhancing 3D creations with effects and compositing them using software like Adobe After Effects.
- SSS, Pag-IPIG, PhilHealth,13month pay
- Paternity/Maternity leave, Bereavement leave
Upon regularization
- Health card (maxi care)
After 1 year
- Sick leave (5days)
- Paid leave (5 days)
- Solo parent leave (7 days)
- Retirement paySales Manager / Assistant General ManagerID:44409
110,000 PHP ~ 150,000 PHPMakatiJob Description
<DUTIES AND RESPONSBILITIES>●Marketing of infrastructure business ・Collect and analyze the latest national development plan from DPWH, DOTR, NEDA, etc., and from ADB, World Bank, etc. ・Identify clients needs and propose optimal solutions for infrastructure development with financing plan from International Finance Institutions and/or from Japan. ・Collect and analyze public and private partnership projects for infrastructure development and seek a chance to participate. ・Marketing of new trends of engineering business, i.e. BIM/CIM. ●Business Development・Keep in good business relations with government officials, development bankers with understanding the stakes, and maintain win-win relations. ・As a manager, understand the Company's human resources and their strengths while engaging in the movement of other companies in the same business, coordinating and negotiating with internal and external parties, plus carrying out negotiations, optimum formation, or can make planning proposals and are trusted not only by our clients but also by customers.・At the time of proposal submission, know the various points to be kept in mind whilst, at the time of contract conclusion, has the ability to determine and pinpoint mistakes and areas for improvement.
★In accordance with position and responsibility, it may change.
<Below is a sample as GM class.>
・De Minimis: (PHP6,000)
・Position allowance: (PHP15,000~20,000, subject to rank and grade)
・Qualification allowance (CPA, JLPT, Professional Engineer, etc.)
・Transportation subsidy: (PHP15,000~20,000)
・In addition to 13th month pay, performance bonus will be given based on contribution of profit.
・HMO including 3 dependents.
・VL:15 days, SL=15 days
※VL carry-over to next fiscal year, if unused.
※SL will be converted to cash at the end of fiscal year, if unused.Working at Major Japanese company as Sales Engineer - Substation & Plant System Sales!!ID:45879
50,000 PHP ~ 100,000 PHPMakatiJob Description
<Recruitment Background>We're seeking a Sales Engineer who can Penetrate and develop new markets for the Power Plant, Electrical Corporative, and Industrial Plant Substation business/ Plant System Sales in the Philippines, and maintain excellent relationship with customers to achieve the sales objectives of the Philippine market!<Primary Duties/Responsibilities>●Develop new business opportunities of Transformer/Switchgear for the Power Plant, ElectricalCorporative, and Industrial Plant and maintain excellent relationship with customers in thePhilippines.● Develop sales strategies and implement sales plans to achieve company growth sales targetsand profit margins.● Conduct competitors’ analysis vis-à-vis FESP’s business in the territory.● Create new sales leads in the market with end users and build strong relationship withconsultants and contractors.● Actively involves in commercial and technical discussion with customers with the supportof FESP partners, gather customers’ requirements and coordinate with factory oncustomers’ needs. Solution proposal to prospects and to maximize sales opportunities.● Prepare monthly sales report for Management review.● Any other tasks that may be assigned by the President and the Senior Sales Manager.
● Life and Accident Insurance
● 13th Month pay
● Merit Increase
● Performance Bonus
● Government Mandated Benefits
● Allowances
● Company Trip【日系コンサル】日本人HRコンサルタントID:41007
80,000 PHP ~ 150,000 PHPMakatiJob Description
<主な職務内容>-営業(フィリピン、シンガポールを中心とするアセアンの日系企業向け)-営業に必要な資料の作成、更新-企業訪問(ニーズ把握)-プロジェクト組成-プロジェクトリーダーの場合、提案書の作成、交渉、クロージング。そうでない場合、支援-プロジェクト実施(リーダー orメンバーとして)-最新のグローバルHR/ODトレンドの情報収集、関連資料作成-付随する管理業務
80,000 PHP ~ 150,000 PHPMakatiJob Description